
Getting back to BASIX

SeptemberNewsletter Blog

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is all about delivering equitable, effective water and greenhouse gas reduction across NSW..

The Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) is all about delivering equitable, effective water and greenhouse gas reduction across NSW. In a nutshell, it’s an assessment of a series of items to achieve a 6-star energy efficiency rating for your home. The good news is that BASIX not only leads to better outcomes for the environment, but long-term financial savings for you, the homeowner.

Is BASIX compulsory?

Since 2004, it’s been compulsory that any new home built in NSW undergoes a BASIX assessment to measure it for sustainability against set targets that are based on the NSW home benchmark average.

When does BASIX happen and who does the assessment?

Whether you’re building on your own land or going for a house and land package, a BASIX assessment is undertaken once your house plans have been finalised – the BASIX certificate forms part of the development application paperwork submitted to council for approval. Currently, individuals can do their own assessment. At Eden Brae, our experts do it for you and we include the cost of BASIX as part of our upfront pricing policy.

So, what’s assessed?

The assessment looks equally at the energy and water saving measures included in your home’s design. Typical items to be assessed include:


  • What water-saving ratings do your bathroom and kitchen fittings and fixtures have?
  • Is there an alternative water supply, such as a rainwater or stormwater tank?
  • Does your home include a greywater or wastewater recycling system?
  • Does your home have a swimming pool or spa?
  • Are low water-use plants included in your landscaping?


  • Is your home built on a concrete slab or raised above the ground?
  • What are the walls made of?
  • Are the home’s roof and ceilings flat or pitched?
  • Is there roof sarking?
  • Has your design included whirly birds for roof ventilation?
  • Are the windows glazed?
  • Does your home’s design include the minimum R1.5 wall insulation and R3.5 ceiling insulation?

BASIX involves a great many more questions than those listed above, but you can begin to get the idea.

What else should I consider?

BASIX works to reduce energy bills and improve the thermal comfort of your new home as naturally as possible. Your home's orientation and design on the block will both affect how much you can achieve. For example, your plans may include making maximum use of the sun for natural light whilst simultaneously capturing its heat via solar panelling for your power needs. Whatever you decide, the important thing to remember is to stay mindful about the requirements and what the additional costs may be. Doing so will allow you to properly finance your home build.

Save energy – reduce stress!

Eden Brae’s transparent home build process includes all BASIX requirements and pricing, giving you the peace of mind that comes from knowing your development application to council will go as smoothly as possible, with no nasty extra-cost surprises. It’s just another good reason why building with Eden Brae Homes is the right choice for you and your family.