Getting your site ready for building – everything you need to know

Before building, there could be several adjustments needed on your site. Here’s all you need to know about site preparation and costs.
Land slope – Total site costs are subject to the degree of land slope. Generally, the bigger the slope of your land, the greater the costs. ‘Slope’ isn’t strictly vertical; costs per metre may increase if a slope is sideways across the block.
Cut and fill – When builders cut into a hillside and slope, they’ll use the material removed as fill for the flat area needed for slab construction. All blocks, even those that seem flat as a tack, need adjustment to achieve the even plane required for a slab. You may also need to budget for drainage work to prevent future flooding, depending on your block’s slope and the required level of cut and fill.
Soil test – Soil moves, expands and contracts depending on moisture content, so testing is essential to building a home safely. A thorough soil test provides a clear profile of your block’s soil type, revealing whether the soil is clay-based or contains a significant amount of rock or fill.
Spoil exports – Spoil is the dirt and rubble from excavation. Depending on your block and the type of home you desire, you may need to budget for its removal.
Concrete piers under slab – If the site has been levelled by the cut and fill method, or site investigations reveal that fill material exists above clay or rock, concrete piers will be constructed in the areas between the bottom of the slab and the stronger soils. These piers ensure your slab is stabilised and ready to support your home.
Dropped edge beams – Dropped edge beams act as a retaining wall, holding fill under the slab. Typically, dropped edge beams are used on blocks that have been cut and filled to flatten the land’s slope.
Connection of services – Connections to utilities such as water, sewerage, gas and electricity must comply with government legislation. Costs may differ depending on the ease of access. Don’t forget to factor in potential registration and transfer fees you’ll need to pay providers for your new address.
No two homes are identical and neither is the block of land that a house sits on. Getting your site ready for your new home may involve site costs and even some assessments such as BASIX. Fortunately, Eden Brae’s highly experienced team will help you ascertain exactly which costs relate to your project and will help you stick to your building budget. Don’t hesitate to contact the Eden Brae team to assist you further 1300 645 860.